Matthias: blog
Das Logfile über mein Leben im Netz.

Dienstag, 01. Juli 2003, 13:13:47

Die spinnen, die Amis. Da erzählt ein Handlanger wilde Lügengeschichten, ein Möchtegern-Kunstexperte verbreitet sie ohne jegliche Überprüfung weiter - und das Gericht spricht sie allesamt frei:

The case traces back to a North Carolina town in 1999, where handyman Robert Smith was repairing a truck owned by attorney and art collector Ellen Batzel. Smith claimed to have overheard Batzel say she was related to Nazi Gestapo head Heinrich Himmler. He said he concluded that the European paintings he saw in her home must be stolen goods, and shared this in an e-mail he sent to the editor of the Museum Security Network, an organization that publishes information about stolen art.

Without telling Smith the e-mail would be published, Ton Cremers - the sole operator of Amsterdam-based Museum Security Network - made minor edits, then posted Smith's e-mail to a list of about 1,000 museum directors, journalists, auction houses, gallery owners and Interpol and FBI agents.

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